In spite of this, the vocabulary and associated fear of
cancer has, to some extent, penetrated even the most rural areas here. I saw a
middle-aged (in UK terms, not Sierra Leonean) woman with a hard craggy mass in
her breast that she had been observing grow over the last year at home in her
village. When we discussed the possible causes of the lump, it was her who
volunteered the word tumour and then broke down in tears after I agreed that
this was a possibility. I saw her a few weeks later after she returned from
Kenema saying that she didn’t have the money to pay for her scan or treatment.

I hasten to add that our trips to Victor’s bar have become
slightly less regular, but this in part due to the frequent evening downpours
that dissuade us from venturing down the muddy road. Even if we do squeeze in a
drink, we always appear to be trapped in a game of chicken with an impending
mass of charcoal grey clouds that ominously approaches us over the ridge at the
top of the village, often just as the lids are removed from bottles. The knowledge
that you will have to race against the onslaught of a heavy thunderstorm does
not make for a particularly relaxing drinking experience! Although we should be heading towards the ‘dry’
season, the humidity doesn’t appear to be letting up. Even when the rain isn’t torrential
there is often a fine mizzle that appears to descend from the skies to the
level of your face but be absorbed into the hot dusty air before it has a
chance to reach the ground. (How very British, a few months in and we’re back
to talking about the weather…)
Incidentally, on the first day of reopening the library we
only had one student come in to browse the available literary selection. As in
all things, behaviour change takes time. When I was here in 2010 a significant
proportion of free malaria nets that were distributed were used to catch fish
as people thought this was a more productive use for them. Three years on,
thankfully through education, more people use them to sleep under. Hopefully we
will increase the library use with time by promoting the benefits of
reading. Thankfully tonight I have just
returned from a heartening few hours with a library full of students.
Update on Evelyn:
When I ventured down one evening to collect her empty pots I was saddened to see
her bed empty and the pots stacked neatly on the neighbouring bed. Fortunately
one of her fellow TB patients explained to me that she had got fed up of waiting
for her TB drugs, supplies of which ran out 10 days ago and decided to venture
back to her village to see her family. Frustratingly there is a national
problem with the supply of TB drugs in Sierra Leone and daily calls to the
district TB coordinator have thus far proved fruitless. Whilst I am thankful
that Evelyn now has the strength to travel to see her children, partially
treated TB will most probably recur and may be more difficult to manage due to
problems with the increasing resistance to drugs. We have sent word to her village and hope she
will return to the hospital soon.
Update on Tomatoes:
Doing well. Watering was a problem last week as we were both scared by a fist-sized
hairy spider trapped with between the pots in the gap between the shutters and
the window but thankfully the creature (George) has now departed. We are
exploring the options for planting out but the choices for ‘grow bags’ are a bit
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